Sunday, February 27, 2011

dia .

dia ? sape ? gemok ! ntah kenape sejak akhir2 nie die take care pasal aku . wtfish ah lu . time aku sayang ko dulu , ade ko layan aku camnie ? bile dah putus , hari2 ko nak mesej . hari2 ko nak luv u . hari2 nak rindu . pastu bile ko da tawu aku penah ngn someone ko nak marah2 . ko wat tape . nel mntak kapel ngn ko taper . ko minat kat awek2 taper . ouh k . pastu skang ko nak ungkit aku curang ta setia SELEPAS kita da PUTUS ? ko nie bermimpi di siang hari ker ? ke aku yg tga ngigau . ntahlah weh . org yg paling lame kenal n kawan sebelum kapel yelah ko . ko tawu an aku caner . pangai aku caner . ape yg aku suke n ape yg aku ta suke . ko tawu kan ? aku nie pedendam ? ko tawu an . ko jugak ckp ubah pangai . aku ubah sebab ko . aku jadi camnie pon sebab ko . aku wat menda kdg2 pon sebab ko . ko je yg ta penah hargai pe yg aku wat . keje ko nak tuduh aku jer . tlgla . aku letih , aku syg ko . ko penah syg aku ta ? ko hepy ngn org len an . ko ne penah hepy ng aku . aku nie beban je wat ko . aku tao . ntah la weh . bia la pe yg nak jd pon pasnie . kalau ade jodoh ader r . kalau ta tader r . aku dah anggap ko ngn aku dah tader pape . the reason why aku carik org len sbb ko jugak . ko yg layan aku macam sampah . bile ko nak ko dtg . ble ko tanak ko blah . ko sme mcm kacang . ta ar . salah aku jugak .mudah caye kat org . n mudah sygkan org .

p/s : ko je yg ta penah nak caye kat aku .

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

mgt ouh mgt . mgt ouh mgt . mgt oittt .

mgt ? ape itu mgt ? haa ? woot woot . haha . mgt ialah salah satu subjek yg aku amek kat cni . haha (asal ayat macam gampang ah ? ) tetibe aku nak citer pasal subjek . ==" haha . nie bukan sebab aku suke . sebab aku "minat" . haha . bukan ape . menda nie aku ase aku boleh bawak . tp aku kena bnyk membaca . dushhummmm . mmg terbaik arh ? dahla bahasa inggeris en ? dgn aku paham pulak . mmg cemerlang ah doe . camner ar nak score nie . abg aku ckp sng je mgt nie , die ley dpat A . akak aku lak cakap die punyer lecturer ley suro tido agi kot . (untunglarhh) haha . jgn nak untung sgtla maznur . jumaat nie ade test mgt . ari nie dah malam khamis . sok dah khamis . malam sok da malam jumaat . malam jumaat arinyer jumaat . makne kate dah test . haha . tolak campur tertonggang tertonggek . brape jam je tinggal untuk aku bace . haha . nie tga wat entry da tolak berape minit . haha . buduh . roomates aku lak tga study . nak tgok korang nyer nota je boleh ? haha . malas siot . haishh . bile nak jadi rajin nie . ari tuh semangat berkobar2 nak score 4flat . ari nie semangat ta berape nak berkobar der . hurm . maznur . bile nak berubah nie . org len dah sampai EGYPT hang kat malaysia lgik . org dah sampai UK . hang kat malaysia lagik . org dah kat RUSIA ang kat MALAYSIA lagik . org da smpai us ko still Malaysia lagik . aku pon da sampai kot . sampai Brunei ? hahahahahahahaha . udah2ler tu . pikiaq masa depan ang . jgn dok hat menda len . tak leh bagi ang makan pon cekk oit . dah off computer . gie wat mgt nuuuu . haha . bunguks gak ko an ?

p/s : senang nak susahkan orang , susah nak senangkan orang . ?
       berakit-rakit ke hulu , berenang-renang ke tepian .
       bersakit-sakit dahulu bersenang-senang kemudian .
       bukan susah nak susah , bukan senang nak senang .
       gile meroyan sebelum . . . 
       sekarang awak wat saye , sok2 orang wat awak .

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

apeh !!!

haha . tadik wat entry bongok . nie wat entry happening skit ah . huhu . tgok headline aku tuh ? apeh ? sape apeh ? haha . name die HAFIZ HAZMAN . apeh ko jgn nak bangge ek ? haha . kan aku cakap nak wat entry pasal ko ? huhu . haaaa . mamat nie aku kenal tahun lepas bulan berapa ea ? 7 ke laapan cam uh . kenal apeh nie pon sebab die kawan ngn gemok . huhu . mulamula kenalpon gaduh jer . rase cm nak lempang ko lajulaju je apeh . haha . =="die nie belajar kat klmu . amek kulinari . bajet ko chef ah ? hikhik . die nie bulih dikatekan kawan baik aku di alam maya . ye r , mane penah jumpe pon . dalam facebook je pon . asal aku letak status ko like , ko komen , ko carik gaduh en ? asal komen gadoh . haha . tapi bile aku mintak pendapat ko , ko bagi idea yg agak bernas . tabik spring toinktoink kat ko .( jgn nak kembang ah ko ) haha . siyes , aku cakap , hepy dapat kenal org cam ko . haha . ko sengal . ader je idea nak gaduh . aku ta leyh blah pasal katak tu , aku ase dari tahun lepas kot kite gaduh pasall katak . tahun nie sambung agie . p yg penting aku menang ar en . hahahahah . apehapeh . aku pon taktao camne ar en kite ley baik camnie . ko kadang2 cter macam2 kat aku , aku pon cter macam2 kat ko . lagi2 pasal gemok ah kan ? haha . ko banyak bagi nasihat pasal die . credit to gemok  jugak ar , die yg suh aku refer kat ko bile2 aku der masalah pasal die . hurm . thanks apeh , tpaku ngn die da tader paper en . nak wat caner agie . kp nasihat aku suh timer die balik . aku takleh ar wei . byk sgt menda yg aku telan ngn die dulu . menda aku ta leyh timer . aku syg die , tp aku taleh timer . oke lah . aku taktao nak ckp per agie . agakagak an , kalau kau jumpe ko kat luar , terserempak ar mksud aku , ko jgn segan2 ar tego . kite dalam kawasan yg same je pon .ta mustahil la ta jumpe . haha . jgn pasan ko kat uk lak bro .

p/s : jangan nak bangge ar katak . haha . gamba aku curik . BHAHA !


now , i know the reason why .
haha . i know why he likes to escaping from me .
thanks awak. i'm really appreciate it .
haha . i'm so stupid that i trust u soo much . wtf !
huhh . u seem like you are nice . you're s0o0ooo serius . babun ah lu . haha .
mmg aku syg ko pon . n aku bodoh bab aku syg ko . sumpah . aku rase nak jumpa ko aku nak lempang ko lajulaju . boleh ? ape ? kacang tumbuk ko ? sesuai sgt . ko nak tgok aku lempang lajulaju lak ta ? nak ? nak ta ? agakagak time tu ko leh gelakgelak ke ta lagi time uh ? agakagak aku cakap nie gebang ke ta ? haha . adoi maznur . jgn nak jadi macam nielah . lemau doe . hati terlanjur teluka ? haha . gie mampus . (kepada sesiapa yg baca nie , sori ayat gampang ) hurm . sorry ar weh , aku terlebih sayangkan ko . aku ade sebab kenapa aku boleh sayangkan ko macam tu sekali . sebab ko yang wat aku camnie . ko yang wat aku sayangkan ko . care ko layan aku , care ko tu , care ko tu !!! ntah ar . aku yg bodoh sgt2 caye kat ko . asal ea ? haha . kurang kasih sayang kot an ? patut ar ko kesian kat aku an ? sikitsikit kesian kat aku . erghhh . mencik syial . ase nak hentak pale aku kau kat dinding jer . hakhak . bajet jep ak nie . sile jgn perasan . wakaka . haha . patut ar , aku ase mlam nie nak jadi gile jap . upenyer dga perkhabaran buruk . buruk ! buruk ! lalalala~ terbaikk ar ko . nnt an agakagak ko nak kawen t an , boleh kawen banyak . haha . pandai berpoligami . cam sekarang an ? hakhak . adoi . haha . sumpah budusy taha gaban gile bun . haha . sooooo . jgn tanye kenape la kalau aku tetibe jumpe ko tampaq ang . haha . boleh ?

p/s : terima kasih "kawankawan" .

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

saye rase sye ni memang tak penting untuk awak .

emm . sye rase sye nie mcm takpenting pon dalam hidup awak . awk tahu kenape sye ckp camtu ? awk yang buat sye rase camtu . setiap kali nak mesej atau ape , sye mesti pk , taper ke sye mesej awak , taper ke sye call awak nie . sye rase macam sye je sorang tepok sebelah tangan . macam sye je yg lebih2 . macam sye sorang je yang nak hubungan nie jadi kekal . awak , sye sayang kat awak . sejak awak take care pasal sye hari tu . sye ingat lagi tarikh tu , sye simpan lagi mesej awak . 6 januari . sweet sgt awak time tu . awak dengar masalah sye . awak dengar sye membebel tah pape . haha . sengal kan . orang  yang dah kenal sye , mesti kata sye kuat bercakap . kadangkadang ma sye pon malas dengar sye cakap . huhu . yelah , sye kalau dah start bercakap memang susah nak berhenti . lagi2 ade orang layan . hem . awak . sye nak awak yang macam hari tu . call sye , dengar masalah sye , bagi sye semangat . buat sye rase sye nie sgt penting . awak . sye nie sape untuk awak . kawan ? ke lebih daripada tu ? hem . awak kata awak nak cuba bahagiakan sye . sye bagi awak peluang tu , sebab sye awk boleh wat . hem . tapi , macam tader harapan je . ye , sye tawu awak sibuk , kelas awak penuh , harihari penuh . nak makan pon ta sempat kan ? sye takmintak lebih pon daripada awak . just layan sye selayaknya . sye jeles . setiap kali kawankawan sye cerite pasal bf diorang . ade je kelebihan masingmasing . sye ? jumpa awak pon jarang2 . boleh kire ngan sebelah jari kot . haha . nak citer aper . pastu , setiap kali orang lain citer pasal awak . sye mesti excited sangat nak dengar . sukee sangat2 . hurm . sye jeles bile orang lain yang just kawan awak boleh citer macam2 pasal awak . sye ? boleh ulang menda same . diorang pon leh hafal cerite sye agaknye . kawan sye selalu tanyer . "ko takmesej die?" "mesej . tp kadang2" . "sian kat ko" sye just senyap je lepas tu . kesian ? awak pon selalu cakap camtu kat sye . kenape ?  sye memang muke mintak simpati ke ? ke awak sayang sye sebab awak kesian kat sye ? hem . kadangkadang sye nangis sebab rindu kat awak . hehe . poyo kan ? cengeng giler . yelah . sye banyak je menda nak citer kat awak . sye suke dengar pendapat awak . suke . siyes . hem . awak tawu ? sye taklame lagi kalau ade rezeki , sye nak mintak maktab guru . biarlah sye jauh dari awak . dekat pon cam tade pape . jauh ? mencabar ta ? huhu . hem . awak . kalaulah awak bace nie . malunyer sye . yelah . entahentah awak tader rase pape pon kat sye . sye je lebihlebih . sye dapat ase sumer tu , sye bukan budakbudak umo 8 ,9 tahun . sye dah nak masuk 19 , kalau zaman dulu dah 2 orang anak . hahaha ! bunguks . tader , betol . sye dah boleh pk semua nie . sye tawu mane 1 betol . (taolah sgt) . hem , sye pon bukan baru nak belajar bercinta . dah banyak kali . ramai je yang dah wat sye macam awak nie . bile tadapat ,  bukan maen kan ? bile dah dapat ? macam endah taendah je . macam tader pape . huhhh . sorrylah . sye memang bukan macam kawan sye , yang boleh cakap depan2 , sye suke pendam . sye ske simpan sampai lebam . tunggu je lah sye meletop . hurm . copppp . if ape yang sye cakap nie , tabetol . or maybe ta kena . sorry k ? sye saket . sye rase sye boleh bersabar , tapi taktao smpai bile boleh bertahan . 

p/s : kalau dah tasuke ckp je . taper . selalu kena . 

Friday, February 11, 2011

what's your ambition ?

all of us are for sure have heard this quest rite ? since we're young . when we enter pre-school , then primary school , until you ' re form3 .when in the primary school , every year we have to fill the document about ourself rite ? your hobbies , your three choises of carier that you wanna be one day . hem . every single year our ambition will change . example this year we want to be police , doctor , teacher . next year . nurse , artist , writer . haha . 6 years you in the primary school you'll have 18 ambition differently . haha . how many of us who stick for one ambition ? nobody kot ? ok . when you enter secondary school , you also have to answer  the same quest rite ? huhu . till you ' re fom3 . i don't know if some school ask you until you form5 . ( dah terlambat kot ) . in the orientation week . remember ? PMD (program maju diri ?) haha and mentor - mentee . erghh . borink . my ambition when i was a kid is , want to be a police . haha . i'm imagine that i wear the uniform . and help people to settle crime . (zaman before masuk form 1) and i want to join police club . but then , when i saw that the police club was not so active , i'm didn't join . haha . because i saw that krs was moree cool then police . (budak2) oke . back to our topic . when i'm form3 ,once again , my teacher asked me , what is your ambition ? i answer that i wanna be a chef . cool et ? haha . wanna open the restaurant . i'm imagine that i'm running the business . cool doe . hem . my friends a lot of them wanna be a part of science carier , like doctor , sciencetist . blabla . and some of them was near to that . like AWATIF AZHAR anf DIYANA AQILAH . both of them were taking course that related to their ambition . diyana taking science technology , while awatif is in medic , and further her study at egypt . impressive ! me ? hem , for now my ambition is ? depends on my SPM result . my english was A . i didn't even expect that . seriously . i fill my upu to take tesl . but then i don't get it . coz my math was not credit . so , i apply pre diploma course in uitm to correct my math . so , after that i can apply , 1 more course that i like . tourism . maybe i've no luck . then , one day , my mom saw article about kolej bersekutu uitm . my mom asked me to apply that . my parents brougth me to INSTITUT PROFESSIONAL BAITULMAL . a part of uitm's kolej too . i choose pre diploma course . my new ambition starting here . huhu . credit to my lecturer . miss aeimi ruzanna . huhu . and also my ma . the one that responsible who found this colledge . huhu . oke . after i've finish my pre dip course , i'm now taking diploma in business study . em .even i don't like at first . but then , i realize , not everything that we want we will get it straighly . maybe you have to trough the hardest way first , rite ? hem . ALLAH knows bettter . i've plan something for my future . after i finish my diploma . i want to continue my study to upper level in . DEGREE IN TESL . because , i realise that english is not difficult at all . once you know understand one thing , i will bring you to others . english is fun ! huhu . not all malay student can understand  and use it . same with me . but , without positive thinking till when you want be like that . chinese and indian's student cab easily apply it . you know why ? because they try to talk in english , eventhought they know that their english is not so good , they even use the broken english . malay's student was so shy so use english because the afraid that people will laughing at them . hey ! ignore them . you want to learn rite . so just follow with the flow . just talk in english . if your friends said that you are show off you just ask them " kau ade " . hahahaha . oke . the reason why i want to take tesl because i want help malay student . because i know that most of malay student weak in english . hem . i want to be lecturer or maybe a teacher . so i can help my race .

p/s : continue next time

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

i'm hurt inside .

remember my yesterday post ? i said that i'm gonna study with ro** rite ? but . he doesn't come . i'm texting him , but he does not reply . tanak cakap tanak study . takyah saye siap2 . belajar dalam bilik jer pon dah oke . dah ar .ta larat lah . malas nak pk pasal awak lagi dah . do what u want to do . i don't care !

p/s : never trust boys again

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

jogging !!

todAy my friends and I were going to jogging . haha . not really jog lah . just two rounds and then we ' re snap2 . haha . crazy isn't ? haha ! at first we arrived there we were so excited . then , firsly, we warm up , then , starting to run slowly . huhu . first time that i don't "pancit" . ==" . so many pixca that we snap . tommorow we will going to jog . excited! haha . just now i have my tae kwon do practise . erghh . soooo many mistake that i make . =( i'm sooo shy . i got what our teacher tought . but , when i need to do it myself , on my own time , on my own effort . i can't . it makes me confuse ! really confuse ! even that is so simple . err . before this i've learn karate-do . when i was form 2 . 5 years back . huhu . it's the same thing actually ! em ! sengal ! cikgu tu ensem pon ko takleh dapat . haha! next week we have to make demo infront of audience . hikhik . muaz's said that those who have the uniform have to . mencik! i'm never do that before . err. . hate it . i'm shy2 person you know ? haha . after that , my dorm level just now have a meeting . at the end of session , they asked that who wanna enter ''BUSANA MUSLIMAH" competition .my friends mention my name . erghh . what the fish . haha ! but , they need to vote first . i'm won ! haha . day dreaming ah lu ! the other girl was choosen by the majority . haha . lucky me ! haha . i'm not pretty enough and good enough lah kawan to enter that competition . erghh ! don't like ! eventhough i'm a talkative person . haha . haaa !!! one more story ! hehe . rofi ask me to study with him . tomorrow . hehe . kogatalen maznur . haha . no lah . not gatal ok . thursday i've acc quiz . i don't understand much lah kan what the lect tought . (ayat ko cam keturunan ko doe!) haha . so that , i ask him to teach me . lalalala~ . i hope i understand soon ! so that , i can get flying colour result . 4flat ? maybe . haha . suddenly i remember what my mentor told me . you've so many ways to improve yourself . you've spirit . you've strategy . thanks mentor . haha .

p/s : sengal ? =="

Sunday, February 6, 2011

bila hati dah benci .

haha . such a poyo title . haha ! actually today's entry do not related with that title . it just i dunno what title i want to put . haha . giler en ? it just recently i love to use word "bila" no reason . but looks like it just nice word to put . why ? no reason . everythings happen with reason . me ? dunno . nowadays i keep update my blog with english rite . haha . i have to. i want to improve my english writing skills . it such a long time i haven't use it . (sampai eja certain word pon sala doe =='') poor me . hem. i'm coming back to ipb today . i'm feel so isolated . why ? dunno . hem , i miss my ma , my abah . it's because we going to our hometown for 5days . i don't really have much time to spend with them . they keep busy with ''kenduri'' , go to relative's house , blablabla . oke . i'm wanna tell about kamdar kampung . kampung's folks . to be specific : kak la . sorry i mention your name . it's that i don't like your way in intertained my parents . know why ? you look like that you hate them . the way you look at them , the way you answer my mom's quest . why ? such a good role you show to ur childs . why ? i'm asking you . do you hate us ? do you ? if there something that you not satisfied just tell us . you don't have to be like kids lah kakak . it's not nice oke . 

p/s : cakap banyak pon ta gune ah . 

Friday, February 4, 2011

am i look like im care ??

hehh . am i look like i care ? yes . a lot . a lot . know what ? i went to my atok sedare ' s house today . oke . with my parents and beyeh . em . it hurt inside actually . otw home my abah only call my bro's name .

example :

abah : harris look at that , that where your mother and i went to eat when only both of us here .
ma : harris that was  penampar penambang which i used when i was young .
abah : harris look at that , blalala

are they forget that i'm also in that car ? act like i'm not exist . em . i know . i'm not like my beyeh . his so nice , soOOO perfect enough to be their ''anak emas'' whatsoever .
i don't care . my sis once said that .

kak ina : beyeh anak emas abah . bepih anak emas ma .
me : kita anak emas siapa ?
kak ina : nobody care about us . deal with it .

seiously . i'm damn hurt . it's that im angry withn  them , it just it's not fair . ok ? that my fault if i'm jealous ? no rite . idk . or maybe just my feeling . huhhh . idk !

p/s : whatever .

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

lame ta update.

huaaaa . tomorrow i will going to kampung ! it's not a big deal la kan . but , it's too long i haven't going there . giler ah . balik kampung kot . you know . my kampung it's not like yours . eventhought they still call it as kampung . derr . pe ko merepek ni . haha . i'm not that type yg ta suke balik kampung . it just lame gilak ta balik . orang kampung bukan suka kat family kiteorg . yelah . masih terase pe ke jadahnya . they ignore my abah . padahal abah the only uncle they have . jangan nak menyombong lah kan bile korang dah senang . its not like that i think . ntahlah . bercerita pasal kampung is complicated things to think .  tul ta? ke aku sorang rase camnieh . haha. entahlah . 1 of frens ask me, nape awak taknak balik kampung ? aku bagi 3 alasan kat die . die kata aku pelik . ahh . pelik ta pelik . kesah pulak saye .kan ? aku bukan ape . rasa janggal abeys kot . tanak balik boleh ta? aku ni dahla pendiam . ta reti nak menyembang . nnt orang kampung cakap aku sombong . haha . bapak perasan giler kau weh ! pendiam ea maznur . ta boleh blah . haha . entahlah . aku ase cam tanak balik jer . bolehlah . tanak balik . ma bawak beyeh jelah . boleh ? boleh lah . orang bukan baik ngan orang kampung tuh . haha . kejam ta ? aku ker ? yelah . balik kampung pun aku layan astro jer .serupa tayah balik kot . balik wat sakit ati mak aku jer . haha . pastu aku bukian jenis anak dara bangun awal-awal kalu cuti . memang harapan lah nak tengok muka aku terpacul dekat dapur tengah buat sarapan pagi-pagi . ctoh bakal isteri mithali tader pade syelah awak . sori . haha . agi pun "keje sekolah" aku banyak lah . sifat pemalas ta hilang . da 4 ari cuti 1 keje pon ta wat2 . haha . giler ta ? rase nak hentak pale kat dinding konkrit jer . haha. opss . t tader sape nak kawen ngn awk kan ? haha .wujud ke awk tu dalam erti kata sebenar dalam erti kata teman hidup ? emm . tepuk dada tanya minda . kalau awk bce post nie . kalau awk sedar "hey ! she's talking bout me lah! " so give me a call k? ke awak jenis memang stok ta heran . ok . if yer . angguk pale . n give me a message . " awak, kita ta serasi " ok . sye terime . just jangan wat sye macam nie . ok ? haha . ntah lah . aku nie merepek meraban jer der . emosi ta berapa nak stabil . lalala~